28 September 2016


Class is managed representation for an Objective-C class

当我们需要检测某一个类是否存在于 Objective C 运行环境中时,可以使用 Class.GetHandle 方法,该方法等价于 Objective C 中的 NSClassFromString("") 方法。

GetHandle(“”): IntPtr.Zero if the class does not exist or has not been registered with the Objective-C runtime, or a token pointing to the Objective-C Class object otherwise.

比如在 iOS 中,我们可以使用如下方式获取 NavigationBar 中的背景视图并隐藏。

IntPtr handle = Class.GetHandle (@"_UINavigationBarBackground");
if (handle == IntPtr.Zero) // >= iOS 10.0

if (superView.IsKindOfClass (new Class (@"_UINavigationBarBackground")))
    // 移除分割线
    foreach (UIView view in superView.Subviews)
        if (view is UIImageView)
            view.Hidden = hide;